Proc in Ruby

Yahya Gok
2 min readMay 1, 2021

Proc is essentially reusable block. To make a proc, we just add word proc to in front of our block.

For example;

As you can see here we added proc in front of our block and sign it a variable.

crazy_proc = proc { “This is the block that I want to use.” }

when we want to call this proc, we simply do; .call after variable.

When we want to see this in puts;

the last line of picture will give us string “This is the block that I want to use”

Proc take also parameters

When we want to add parameter, we simply add pipe inside the block.

as you can see below picture, we added | |(pipe) and, when we call the variable simply added parameter.“cheese”).

Last thing that I want to mention here;

We could be able to send many or less parameters to a proc, It will still work. When we send less parameters, a proc will assume missing ones are nil. When we send many parameters a proc will ignore the extra ones.

As you can see in above picture, on line 45 I did this;

without any parameter, Ruby didn’t give any error. It does its work, Ruby accepted that as nil, only out put‘mushroom & onion’)

Here in this below example, I added many parameters“cheese”, “garlic”, “salt”, “pepper”).

This way in many parameters, Ruby only get “cheese” as parameter and ignore the rest.


