In this article, I will explain some properties used in CSS.
1- Display: flex;
A Flexible Layout must have a parent element with the display property set to flex.(1)
Direct child elements(s) of the flexible container automatically becomes flexible items.(1)
So, if you are using display: flex; property in the parent element, children of this parent will be in one line and display line by line all the items inside the children element.
2-position: relative;
position relative allow us to place the item exactly where we want to put.Also with this property we could use right, left, top, bottom properties to place the item. As an example, below picture, I’m using relative property and top, left to replace exactly where I want to put the item.
3- overflow
Overflow property gives content a direction if content overflows.
For example; as you can see with this below picture on the right side we have scroll functionality. So, when text is a lot like here we have scroll functionality.
you also have other options than only scroll.